The Videology Co. in 2017
It has been a very exciting beginning for the company, I’ve had the pleasure to meet amazing people, I’ve gotten to know the mind-blowing world of groundbreaking medical devices and platforms that will eventually change the healthcare world, and best of all I’ve had the honor to work alongside great partners.
Working as a team is not always easy, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised that our core team has been so focused, respectful, and eager to accomplish great things without stepping on anyone’s shoes. We work hard, we try to analyze and learn things together, and most importantly we enjoy what we are doing and we always find a way to make each other laugh. For some reason I was never nervous about getting this team together.
A healthy and fun environment is very important to me, if it’s not a place I want to go everyday and give it my all, I can get unattached and bored very easily. I’m aware that things may get hard, complicated or tense at times, I’m cool with that because knowing that we’ll face everything that comes our way together and with a common goal, makes it all worth it.
I’m very happy with my partners, our producer Max has been on point and very motivated, head animator, Brad has been killing it with his beautiful work with a fast turnaround, Pablo is not only a great visual artist but has morphed into a do-it-all warrior, we joke around that he’s that head of the legal department, sales and client emails.
Me? I’m taking my time to appreciate and learn from them, and always maintaining my goal of trying to alway impress them with my work by outdoing myself at all times and being a reliable and solid partner.
My team is rock solid, bring it on 2017!